<br /> <strong>CURRENT GUITARS:</strong><br />PRS SE Angelus</p> <p>Taylor 714ce</p> <p>Ernie Ball Music Man Valentine</p> <p>Fender American Standard Telecaster<br /> <br /> <strong>AMP:</strong><br />VOX AC15C1<br /> <br /> <strong>PEDALBOARD:</strong><br />Sony Wireless Guitar System<br />TC Electronics Polytune Mini<br />JHS Morning Glory<br />JHS Angry Charlie</p> <p>Westminster Effects Osteen Distortion</p> <p>AnalogMan Mini Chorus<br />JHS ColourBox<br />Ernie Ball VP Jr<br />Boss DD-500<br />TC Electronics Hall Of Fame 2 Reverb<br /> <br />I was first turned on to G7th capos about six years ago, and I fell in love with the design and simplicity of putting it on and taking it off of the guitar. When I first played with it, I was shocked, because I never realized that what kind of capo you used could make a difference in the way a guitar sounds, but G7th allows chords to ring out longer and sound better than I ever imagined! Feel free to contact me via my Facebook or Twitter to talk about my rig or my music!<br /> <br />(NOTE: Yes, I'm aware that the sound quality of the video is terrible, but it's an example of the type of music I write. And yes, it was in my pre-G7th days - let's refer to them as "the dark days" )</p>">